Living Collections Toolkit

  1. Collections Resources

The Landscape Succession Strategy – Melbourne Gardens 2016-2036: adapting a world-renowned botanical landscape to climate change

Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria’s Melbourne’s Landscape Succession Strategy is a holistic guide to transitioning the Botanic Gardens’ landscape and living collections to retain their character, purpose and usefulness through climate change.

Landscape Succession Toolkit

This joint publication by Climate Change Alliance of Botanic Gardens, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria and BGANZ generalises the information of RBGV’S Landscape Succession Strategy and makes it applicable to all botanic gardens. This is a useful guide for institutions beginning to adapt to climate change, and provides advice on what to consider as well as how to put together a strategy of their own.

Plant Germplasm Conservation in Australia

Guidelines developed specifically for the management and conservation of ex situ plant material in Australia, which ranges from seed banking and the various methods by which to do so, tissue culture, living plants, and all in between.

The Botanic Gardens Conservation Strategy

An older international strategy (1989) which has served as the platform upon which many similar policies have been built. It outlines the importance of botanic gardens as a conservation resource, and their role in sustainable development. 

  1. Climate Resources

Climate Assessment Tool

This free tool allows the user to determine the likely suitability of a tree species to the current and projected future climate of their garden. 

Bureau of Meteorology

An excellent resource for historic Australian climate data, with weather observations freely available to the public and reaching back to the first scientific records. 

Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia

A comprehensive map of Australian soils, for both regional and urban environments. A good starting point for determining a site’s soil type and profile.

Soils Science Australia

An extensive list of soil resources for Australia, from National to State specific.

Climate Change in Australia

Climate tools, forecasts and projections specific to Australia, as well as available initiatives and actions.

  1. Botanic Garden Resources

Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)

BGCI is an international organization which promotes, facilitates and enables botanic gardens around the world to collaborate on plant conservation, records management, data collection and myriad other initiatives. BGCI hosts the Plant Search database mentioned in the Toolkit and provides botanic gardens accreditation.

Botanic Gardens Australia and New Zealand (BGANZ)

BGANZ is an active and engaged network for botanic gardens from across Australia and New Zealand, facilitating collaboration, projects and support for all botanic endeavours.

  1. Further Information - Victorian Legislation and Biosecurity Resources

Protecting Victoria’s Environment: Biodiversity 2037

The Victorian State government’s plan to prevent biodiversity loss and increase biodiversity across Victoria’s ecosystems. It outlines goals, how they are to be achieved, and how individuals and communities may contribute to this.

The Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988

Victorian legislation which is key to the Biodiversity 2037 plan, as it places importance on the protection and conservation of species. This document is particularly useful when considering rare and threatened Victorian plants.

Climate Change Act 2017

Victorian legislation which provides the foundation to manage climate change risks, maximise opportunities for action, and drive transition to a climate-resilient community and economy.

Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2017–2020

This plan details how to achieve the goals of the Climate Change Act 2017. Keep your eyes out for the refreshed version of the plan which is due shortly.

Agriculture Victoria's Plant Quarantine Manual

The Plant Quarantine Manual details the restrictions and requirements around bringing interstate plant material into Victoria in a safe and clean manner. The phytosanitary requirements will vary according to where the plant material is sourced from.

  1. Further Information – Australian Federal Legislation and Biosecurity Resources

Australia's Strategy for Nature 2019-2030

A nation-wide strategy for Australia to adapt to and mitigate the challenges of climate change. Along with protection, it emphasizes adaptation, resilience development and the management of natural resources.

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

This nation-wide legislation is the foundation for the protection and management of plants, animals, habitats and places, and is of importance when considering rare and threatened native species. 

Australian Biosecurity Import Conditions (BICON)

Importing plant material into Australia is a complicated process, and compliance with BICON is essential to protect Australia’s environment from external pests and pathogens. This site provides information on how to comply with quarantine and import requirements.

  1. Further Information - Global Policy and Protocols

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was set up to assess the science related to climate change, and to provide periodic scientific assessments concerning climate change, its implications and risks, and to put forward adaptation and mitigation strategies. All research, findings and recommendations from the IPCC’s Working Groups can be found here. The Summary for Policy Makers is a useful overview of the more detailed findings.

United Nations' Convention on Biological Diversity

This is the international legal instrument for "the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources".

The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing

Arising from the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Nagoya Protocol aims to improve the fair and equitable sharing of benefits which derive from the access to and sharing of genetic resources such as plants. This has implications for the movement of plant material across international borders.

Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011- 2020 and the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework

Provides details on how to achieve the goals and aims of the Convention on Biological Diversity and Nagoya Protocol on an international scale.

Global Strategy for Plant Conservation

Arising from the Convention on Biological Diversity, the GSPC focuses on the protection and conservation of plants, and the specific considerations surrounding them.

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)

CITES is a framework to manage and control the trading of genetic material of endangered species and covers both flora and fauna. Australia’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 abide by CITES regulations. This has implications for the movement of plant material across international borders.