Register to access the Living Collections Toolkit and step-by-step guide to assess your living collections and build your Living Collections Plan. Registration is free for all members of BGANZ. If you are not a BGANZ member you can contact BGANZ here for information on joining, or other options to access the Toolkit from outside Australia and New Zealand.
Contact Form
Registration is free for all members of BGANZ, if you are not a BGANZ member you can contact BGANZ here for information on joining, or other options to access the Toolkit from outside Australia and New Zealand.
Use this form to contact BGANZ with any questions relating to the Toolkit, including gaining access.
Register your Garden or Arboretum
Gardens that are Institutional or Associate Members of BGANZ as of July 2024 should have received an email inviting them to register. If your garden is not registered you can apply for access using the below form.
Register as an Individual User
Individuals must be linked to a registered garden. If your garden is already registered contact your manager about gaining access. If your garden is not registered you can apply for access using the below form.
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